Tag Archives: books

Reading a Book

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So let me just stop you there, you’re a reader. I am a reader, you are a reader, everyone’s a reader. Reading is not just about reading books, you read things in your everyday lives. Today I will talk about reading books, not just reading in life. Every year before 6th grade I would never want to pick up a book. Whenever I heard it was time to read, I was instantly tired. This year I have found more books that interest me. I would not consider myself an awesome reader to this day but I am definitely not a bad reader. For a long time reading would have been a time where I was daydreaming because I would not like my book. I would never be able to find a book I like. I would get distracted and think about other things like what I am doing after school.

This year someone recommended a book. This book was called The Selection. I started reading this book at first. I was timid and did not get that deep in the book. As soon as I got to the climax. I started power reading. I had 150 pages left of the book. That weekend I sat down and read the whole thing in one afternoon. When I finished that book I started reading more in the series. Currently I am reading The Heir, the fourth book in the series. 

Now when someone asks me how many books you read this month, I proudly say three. It used to be half a book or one book. I always read it at night, usually 15 to 45 minutes. Though sometimes it can reach up to two hours. Someone usually has to stop me. Almost like when the rain starts it takes the sun to stop them. Reading is the rain. Sometimes it’s very short and drizzles and you don’t let it get soaked, sometimes you’re soaking wet and the storm goes on for hours and you can’t escape it. Though it’s the flood that always gets the best of me. 

I like to read historical fiction. This is something I’ve always loved. If it is informational then it’s Z town for me, but then when I hear those stories of fiction. I get soaked in my book. My favorite Historical fiction book is probably Little House in The Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I also love realistic fiction. It’s very cool to see a normal life from someone else’s view. One series I especially like is The Selection Series. Part of the reason I like this book is that the author Kierra Cass writes different books on other people’s takes on events. This is cool because you can see the contestants’ view and the well “Judges” take.  

I think everyone in this world is someone who could grow to love to read. You just have to find the right book.