Tag Archives: Daily Habits

Daily Habits


Everyone has daily habits like brushing their teeth and making their bed but this one is interesting. How can you change your life for the better? At the beginning of the year in Language Arts class we started planking. You’re probably thinking, planking, Language Arts Class that does not go together. Well, it’s all about habits. Our goal was to show ourselves that by just doing a little of something every day and increasing we can improve on something. We started out at 30 seconds and then we added 15 seconds every week. We did this for 7 weeks and then we did a plank challenge. All of our improvement over the week has us doing a plank for a long time. During the plank challenge I reached 7 minutes which was way more than I thought I could do. For my new challenge, I am going to do a split each day and every two days I will stay in my split for 15 seconds longer until I can do it for a very long time. I am going to try to work harder to create more daily habits. You should try this too. If you think of a good daily habit, I would love to hear your suggestions in the comments.