Tag Archives: Local Artists

My Ideal World: The Alter Ego

This year in 6th grade Language Arts we made our ideal world books. We talked about what our dream world would be.  Another thing we did was make a book cover and images to bring our story to life.  Peg Gignoux was a local artist who helped us create our books. My ideal book story is written below.

The Alter Ego

By Belden B

What is a perfect ideal world? It does not exist, but this is my perspective on it. Every aspect of this world has places to calm you down or places just to be crazy. There are two lifestyles or two personalities, city or country. That’s why it is called the Alter Ego; an ego means a personality, and there are two different personalities.

In the countryside neighborhoods, there are six buildings or wings. In Wing One, there are the neighborhood’s gardens and farms where they can collect food. Wing Two has sports courts, adventure parks, and more. This wing is all about being adventurous. In Wing Three, there are chill-out areas where the neighbors can regroup and meet with others from their community. In Wing Four, there is a neighborhood thrift store where, when people don’t want things anymore, they just drop them off. At the thrift store, everything costs less than ten dollars. This helps people work on being kind. In Wing Five, there is a way to escape the normal world.

Trams move people into other neighborhoods or go to the city. In the middle of the circle, Wing Six is the neighborhood school. Every neighborhood has around 100 houses. The neighborhoods are built by age, so if the kid is younger, they and their family will be placed with other younger kid families. If the family has multiple kids, their neighborhood will be based on if each neighborhood has different kids ages. There are also neighborhoods with people who don’t have kids. This helps kids make friends more easily and helps parents meet other parents with kids the same age. Once people travel outside their neighborhood, they will enter the countryside and the rest of the neighborhoods. People can also keep going down a road until they get to the other type of life format, the city.

The city has apartments, and people have apartments in their family size. People pay for the apartment, but people will not get priority on a big apartment if people have a small family. If the family is bigger they have priority to get a bigger apartment. The city has many little shops all around, and the citizens’ cars are parked in their hotel’s parking decks. All of the cars are electric. Most people don’t even take their car because they ride the trams. The city has different opportunities, such as going to water parks and lots of shopping. The country does not have that many shops. Instead of a normal city, this city is smoke-free, and the city tries to keep most things eco-friendly. Even in this city, the air feels fresh, like the outdoors.

Everyone has a personal learning course no matter which ego people go to school in. There are millions of lessons, and kids will be placed in the course they need to be at. There are no grades; all of it is just designed for the kid. There are support groups where they place kids together who work at similar paces, not by how smart they are. At the school, there are outdoor and indoor classrooms. All the kids at each school learn about the old world “Earth” and how its gasses caused everyone to leave Earth.

If kids need brain breaks, they just tell their lesson adviser that they need to take a break. Then, the kid can have five minutes to regroup before continuing lessons. The school day only lasts from 9:00 to 2:00 and meets four days a week. The classroom adviser will meet with the student every other day. They will help make sure the student is learning on the right course. Kids don’t feel the pressure of school today but just want to learn new things.

My new world would be all about understanding life and having choices on how life will run.  Every job gets paid enough money to survive because, in my world, it is all about doing what makes people happy without putting others down. If people get into fights, they will talk it out. Everyone has a lifestyle choice and will always have a chance to try. That one word builds my world. People don’t feel pressured or have poverty. Try means that every person can try to do something. People enjoy different living styles, so they have that option in The Alter Ego. The point of this planet is that everyone has a choice and a chance to try.